Hi Styze,

Use a timer control on the form instead.  Use the interval property to set
how long you want the form running and the timer method to release the form
once interval has passed. I'll email you an example. I use them for my
"Splash" screens all the time.   

Also used it once to flash up a form with a screen size picture of Linda
Blair in the Exorcist for one of my clients.  I told him over and over not
to play practical jokes on me... revenge was sweet watching him nearly fall
off his chair with fright.  Oh the geeky humour... 

Christina Bull

-----Original Message-----
From: Sytze de Boer [mailto:sytze.k...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 15 December 2011 10:50 AM
To: profox
Subject: Loading a form

You foxperts can have another laugh at this greenie, but I'll risk it

I have a simple form
In the gotfocus event I store the seconds() to lcSecs and do while/enddo
If seconds>lcSecs>2
This works fine

I now add an image to this form with a gif file in picture
(Its a comical image of a caricature laughing its head off)

The gotfocus details no longer "fire"

What am i missing
How do I display this form for x number of secs?

Sytze de Boer
Kiss Software

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