I have an interesting problem.  

I am calling this mailsend.exe  program, which sends out email from the command 
line and allows for smtp authenication and sending through different port 
numbers.  I want to send myself an email every time a major error occurs in 

If I use the line 

run /n N:\MAILSEND\mailsend1.16 -v -smtp  plus.smtp.mail.yahoo.com -port 587 -t 
u...@example.com  -f 
u...@example.com  -sub "this is a test" -M "this is the body" -auth -user 
u...@example.com -pass "password."

It fails with the Run/! command failed

if I do  

run /n  mailsend.bat 

where the bat file  is one line

 N:\MAILSEND\mailsend1.16 -v -smtp  plus.smtp.mail.yahoo.com -port 587 
-t  u...@example.com  -f  u...@example.com  -sub "this is a test" -M "this is 
the body" -auth -user u...@example.com -pass "password."

it works fine.   

Is it because the earlier first example has to bring the entire program into 

I played with the foxrun.pif and put in cmd.exe instead of command.com and that 
didn't work.    I also played with some of the memory settings in the pif, and 
that didn't work.   

This also works on some computers and not others.   

Any ideas? 

I can use the batch file method as a work-around, but I'd rather have it work 
with the run /n command.   

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