You lost me. My old procedure gave a message box when it failed and that can
clutter things up when my +vol macro flashes 3 times. I'm thinking a simple
beep and return a false is what I want. That way I don't increment/decrement
the mediaindex.volume on failures. I am a quadriplegic and I have a form to
turn lights on/off, fan, stereo, cable, dvd, etc... It's based on the
mediaindex.fields so I can  make macros like allOff or choose CD with a
predefined play list. I have many dvds and many cds all indexed that can be
run from the form. Sometimes when the mediaindex.fields are invalid, my
allOff macro will often turn everything on.
I have a tab of checkboxes to sync everything at the start of the day.
I'm just fuzzy on how to run my CallRemote procedure and return a .t. or .f.

Gary Jeurink

-----Original Message-----
From: Tracy Pearson [] 
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 2:55 PM
Subject: RE: fuzzy on return

Richard Kaye wrote on 2012-06-22: 
>  Does CALLRemote return a value? If so, you might be able to do something
like this:
>  PRIVATE returnValue
>  DO c:\alldat2\programs\CALLRemote WITH 'c:\alldat\irctrl\'
TO returnValue
>  IF returnValue
>       REPLACE mediaindex.volume WITH mediaindex.volume -0.5
>       MESSAGEBOX([I'm too busy to change the volume now.])
>  --
>  rk

Gary and Richard,

The DO {program} doesn't have a TO clause.
DO FORM ... does.

If the procedure is in a prg file, you'll need to SET PROCEDURE TO
{(relative|absolute)path\filename} ADDITIVE
Then you can call the procedure similar to how a GUI method is called.

SET PROCEDURE TO "c:\alldat2\programs\CALLRemote" ADDITIVE
Local returnValue
returnValue = CALLRemote('c:\alldat\irctrl\')

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

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