On 7/25/2012 4:45 PM, Fred Taylor wrote:
> What constitutes a month?  Is 2012-06-30 to 2012-07-01 one month or two?
>   And how would your example be 13?

Hi Fred,

Sorry...forgot to say "disregard the day in the month."  Here's what I 
came up with.  It's a bit verbose but it's for clarity's sake:

        FUNCTION CountMonths(tdStart as Date, tdEnd as Date) as Integer
                LOCAL liNumMonths as Integer, liStartYear as Integer, liEndYear 
Integer, liStartMonth as Integer, liEndMonth as Integer
                IF tdEnd >= tdStart THEN
                        liStartYear = YEAR(tdStart)
                        liEndYear = YEAR(tdEnd)
                        liStartMonth = MONTH(tdStart)
                        liEndMonth = MONTH(tdEnd)
                        IF liStartMonth >= liEndMonth THEN && take 12 months 
from year for 
date math
                                liEndYear = liEndYear - 1
                                liEndMonth = liEndMonth + 12
                        liNumMonths = ((liEndYear - liStartYear) * 12) + 
(liEndMonth - 
liStartMonth) + 1 && last +1 is to include the month you're in
                ELSE && invalid entry...start shouldn't be later than end
                        liNumMonths = -1
                ENDIF && tdEnd >= tdStart
                RETURN liNumMonths
        ENDFUNC && CountMonths(tdStart as Date, tdEnd as Date) as Integer

Mike Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
President, Chief Software Architect

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