On 7/31/2012 11:33 AM, Tracy Pearson wrote:
> Vincent Teachout wrote on 2012-07-31:
>>   Tracy Pearson wrote:
>>> Vincent,
>>> You could probably get away with adding code similar to this in the
> Activate
>>> event.
>>> IF select("GrdCursor") > 0
>>>     Select "GrdCursor"
>>>     Append From "SelectResults"
>>> Else
>>>     Select * from SelectResults into cursor GrdCursor ReadWrite
>>> endif
>>> USE IN SELECT("SelectResults")
>>> Also a minor change to the Select into cursor above the new code,
> changing
>>> the original result cursor name.
>>   Similar to what I was planning, but I failed to remember to check for
>>   the existence of the cursor.  Thanks, Tracy - consider this stolen!  :-)
> Vincent,
> I noticed that I didn't include to ZAP the existing grid cursor.

Just make sure you use disconnected cursors and NOT UPDATABLE VIEWS. 
(Been there, done that, had some support calls!)

Mike Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
President, Chief Software Architect

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