On 9/12/12 2:56 AM, Dave Crozier wrote:
> Never having used alternative software, I think Paul McNett dabbled with 
> subversion using VFP and wonder if anyone has any comments on what to use and 
> why. I know about the format of VFP forms etc. being a pain as they are not 
> simple text.

I used Subversion combined with a hacked-up scctext.prg (my scX project) that 
true 2-way binary-to-text conversion of the files so that I could do diffs and
merges. I still use it today for one remaining legacy VFP project but haven't 
developing scX for the better part of a decade now, and I don't recommend it 
for that
reason. I hear there is a more modern attempt at this and can't comment on it
personally because I haven't use it.

All my new source control is in git.

In general, I recommend you get away from the mentality of having integrated 
control, and learn to put the source control into your work stream manually, 
where it
makes sense. Here's my typical workstream:

1) sit down to work for a couple hours on a project
2) open a terminal and:
  cd <projectdir>
  git pull (or svn update)
  git status (or svn status)  ## make sure I didn't leave modified files around
3) work the couple hours
4) review with tools like git/svn diff
5) git commit -a (or svn commit)
6) git push (not necessary in subversion)

The git workflow is simplified above, as there's much more you can do 
(branching is
very powerful in git, for example). I'm merely showing the simplest (and most
typical, for me at least) workflow.

Git is a much better product than Subversion for a few key reasons (speed, true
distributed source control, community acceptance). Git is actually simpler than
Subversion once you've worked with it for a little bit, however Subversion is 
still a
good choice in my opinion. I'm totally happy leaving my legacy stuff on 

I used (tried to use) Visual SourceSafe way back maybe 1999 and thought I must 
been simply misunderstanding the product since everyone was recommending it and 
trying again and again but I came to the conclusion that it is one big stinking 
of crapware. It was crap then compared to CVS, and now CVS is crap compared to
Subversion, yet you say Microsoft is still peddling Visual SourceSafe?

So, find the current vfp project that does what I was doing with scX only 
better and
more current, and decide to go with either git or subversion, and don't look 
Other people have figured out all the hard parts for you by now, you merely 
need to
learn how to hook all the pieces together in a workflow that makes sense for 


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