A kludge I ended up using in a similar situation was to set the "Always on Top = .t." when the new form is being set up programatically, then put "thisform.alwaysontop=.f." in the mouse over event.

Waste of events? yes. Work? yes.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Modal window opens behind Modeless
From: Dave Crozier <da...@replacement-software.co.uk>
To: profoxt...@leafe.com
Date: 11/13/2012 3:27 PM

The "always  on top" setting can override the modal setting and means the form 
has focus but cannot be accessed.  This has bitten me a couple of times so I'd check that 
setting in the form appears on top

Sent from Samsung MobileTracy Pearson <tr...@powerchurch.com> wrote:I've heard 
of this before, searched the archives and did not find anything
an answer that fit the scenario.

VFP 9 SP 1 EXE, I'm not sure what runtimes the user is running.

No timer involved is known to be active, none are on the two forms in

Modeless form calls a PRG which launches the Modal lookup form. The lookup
form is appearing behind the Modeless form and neither window is clickable,
according to the customer.

I'm unable to reproduce this in house on the several machines we have.

Besides the possibility of a timer bringing focus back to the Modeless form.
Are there any other reasons? A SP or HotFox issue?

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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