On Wednesday, October 25, 2006, Michael Madigan wrote:

>> You don't believe there's a culture war going on?

No I don't. I believe it's a catchy phrase for selling books and generating

I *do* believe that extremists on both the liberal and conservative sides
are having a potentially devastating effect on our country. But that's not a
culture war, Michael. It's just political correctness, rearing its ugly

Some people do find the word "Christmas" offensive. And I respect the right
of anyone to voice their opinion about it. Of course, I'm also happy to tell
them they can move to another country where they will never have to hear the
word "Christmas" again, if they so desire.

And I'd be willing to lay my down my life for their right to say it. Isn't
*that* the guiding principle our country was founded on? It really doesn't
matter whether the person is "right" or "wrong", does it?

The country is split right down the middle, no question about it, and the
various media organizations are doing nothing but feeding the frenzy and
adding fuel to the fire -- all the while they accomplish nothing but a
continuation of the gross separation between the social, racial, economic,
and religious classes that exist.

For the record, it was nice to see a few "facts" in your post this time,
instead of generalizations. 

It would be nice though, if you'd add a link to your facts...


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