Two words: debt ceiling.

On Jan 3, 2013 1:36 AM, "Adam Buckland" <> wrote:

> WASHINGTON -Official Washington was in celebration mode on New Year's Day
> after kind of averting a completely unnecessary crisis that was entirely of
> its own creation.
> "This deal proves that if we all procrastinate long and hard enough, we
> can semi-solve any self-inflicted problem at the very last minute in a way
> that satisfies no one," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
> (R-Kentucky). But even as Sen. McConnell basked in self-congratulation, he
> warned Congress against the complacency that could come with having sort of
> fixed its own completely avoidable mess.
> "This is a new year, and much work remains to be done," he said. "It's up
> to us to concoct entirely new optional disasters that we will have to undo
> at some later date in a more or less half-assed way."
> In a related story, an arsonist received an award for putting out his own
> fire
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