My livingroom has a 600 dvd & a 600 cd player and I've databased both. With
the help of an (pc to ir linc) I can tell my av-receiver to play any
selection (movie or song).  I just recently added a drobo with 2t storage
and I'm scheming it to be a media server. Now I want to play mp3 songs
stored in the database as type-4 (mp3) and stored on the drobo (the 600 cd
player is full.approx. 11,000 songs).

When I select a song on one of the cd's (types: 1-tape, 2-cd, 3-vinyl,
4-mp3), I send a location to a procedure that tells the stereo to play that
song. Location is a 5-digit text string. which cd (001-600) and which track
(01-30 or so). Now I will need a procedure to play a file stored on the
public drive (drobo).

My play cd procedure looks like:

IF songsbyloca.t = 2 && (a cd)

  STORE ( to cSongPath

  IF (LEFT(cSongPath,3) = LEFT(cPrevSong,3))

    DO c:\alldat2\programs\PlayTrack WITH cSongPath, songsbyloca.t  && just
use track


    DO c:\alldat2\programs\PlaySong WITH cSongPath, songsbyloca.t && use
magazine and track


  STORE cSongPath TO cPrevSong


  MESSAGEBOX("This Song must be on a CD to play!") && as of now, I can only
play cd's




The if wrinkle tells the procedure to skip the first 3-digits if the
previously played song was on the same cd and the else notifies the user,
they can only play files of type-2, cd.


>From MyComputer, I can click on any mp3 file and it is played by default
with the VLC media player (free program, even plays movies from an .iso

What would my procedure look like to call VLC.EXE, with the correct file
address on the drobo. My whole system as is was developed from tips from you


Gary Jeurink

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