I am trying to develop a gymnastics school management system. I am building
the classes table and I need to build it so I can look at when each class
starts  and which day it is on so I that can allocate specific gym space per
class at various times. I don't really think the specific date is important
because each particular class is scheduled on a specific day like on Mondays
at 5:00 pm for an hour each week. I need to show start and finish and be
able to show when there might be 3 to 5 classes taking place at the same
time. I will be marking attendance per class and assigning gym area space
per class.  


What data types would be appropriate?. I am not good with date and time data
types so I am currently thinking of just using a tinyInt 1-6 (mon-sat) and
then use a time data for start with a class field of duration (45/60/90/120)
in minutes. The gym, that I volunteer coach for, needs desperate improvement
in this area.


I'm shooting to be able to generate an html table for each day with a time
line on the left side (rows) and each gym area (in columns) across the top.
Each class would be a color coded text block in a column if you follow me. A
large class might occupy two areas in the gym with multiple instructors. I
think it is a very complex task. If anything, I want to show the gym owner
where they have over scheduled the gym.


Any suggestions or strategies would be welcome.


Gary Jeurink

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