Do you ever destroy the connection?  Leave the form could be a reason or
kill the app.

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 4:42 PM, MB Software Solutions, LLC <> wrote:

> On 6/4/2013 9:16 PM, Ted Roche wrote:
>> Oops. Hit 'Send' too soon.
> Mike,
> Here's my GetHandle routine:
>         PROTECTED FUNCTION GetHandle(tlForce as Logical) as Integer
>         * Returns connection handle to caller.
>                 LOCAL liHandle as Integer, lcDSN as String, loException as
> Exception, liRetryCnt as Integer
>                 IF tlForce OR this.nHandle <= 0 THEN
>                         TRY
>                                 =SQLSETPROP(0, 'DispLogin', 3 ) &&
> suppress login info
>                                 =SQLSETPROP(0,"ConnectTimeOut"**,SQLTIMEOUT)
> && wait N seconds before timeout (mjb 08-04-06)
>                                 lcDSN = this.cSQLConnect
>                                 IF NOT EMPTY(lcDSN) THEN
>                                         liHandle = SQLSTRINGCONNECT(lcDSN)
>                                         IF SQLEXEC(liHandle,[select
> @@version as cVersion],"curVersion") = 1 THEN
>                                                 this.cDBCVersion =
> curVersion.cVersion
>                                         ELSE && attempt reconnection
>                                                 liRetryCnt = 1
>                                                 DO WHILE liHandle < 0 AND
> liRetrCnt <= RETRY_COUNT
>                                                         WAIT WINDOW
> TIMEOUT .5 "Re-attempting (" + ALLTRIM(STR(liRetryCnt)) + ") to connect to
> SQL database..."
>                                                         liHandle =
>                                                         IF
> SQLEXEC(liHandle,[select @@version as cVersion],"curVersion") = 1 THEN
> this.cDBCVersion = curVersion.cVersion
>                                                         ELSE
> MESSAGEBOX(this.cSystemName + " is unable to establish connection to the
> database.",16,"Unable to connect.")
>                                                                 liHandle =
> -99
>                                                         ENDIF
>                                                         liRetryCnt =
> liRetryCnt + 1
>                                                 ENDDO
>                                         ENDIF
>                                 ELSE
>                                         liHandle = -1
>                                 ENDIF
>                         CATCH TO loException
>                                 liHandle = -1
>                                 MESSAGEBOX(loException.**Message,16,"Problem
> getting handle.  " + ADMINMSG)
>                         ENDTRY
>                         this.nHandle = liHandle
>                 ELSE
>                         * mjb 02-04-08 verify that it's good
>                         IF SQLEXEC(this.nHandle,[select @@version as
> cVersion],"curVersion2") = 1 THEN && alright, good to go
>                                 liHandle = this.nHandle
>                         ELSE && force new handle via recursive call
>                                 WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT "Reattempting to
> connect..."
>                                 liHandle = this.GetHandle(.T.)
>                         ENDIF
>                 ENDIF && tlForce OR this.nHandle = 0
>                 * done with temp cursors
>                 USE IN SELECT("curVersion")
>                 USE IN SELECT("curVersion2")
>                 RETURN liHandle
>         ENDFUNC && GetHandle() as Integer
> --
> Mike Babcock, MCP
> MB Software Solutions, LLC
> President, Chief Software Architect
> ______________________________**_________________
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Stephen Russell
Sr. Analyst
Ring Container Technology
Oakland TN

901.246-0159 cell

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