I'm having a problem with editing a memo file

My code says
   thisform.label9.Caption="Description of project
("+ALLTRIM(STR(trcask603))+" size)"

For some reason, this then does not allow me to press the ENTER key
The cursor stays in the same position instead of dropping down a line

Ant ideas from anyone ?

You mention a "memo file" but all your code shows is the contents of a Value property of some control. There are several controls that this might be, but in any of them,


will be the number of characters--not "lines" as mentioned in your caption--in that control.

I'm not sure what you're trying to do with the ENTER key. You mention a label control, but the ENTER key can't interact with a label.

Assuming the control is an editbox, then you may be wanting to investigate the SelStart, SelLength, and SelText properties of editboxes.

If you provide some more explanation of what you're doing, maybe we can help further.

Ken Dibble

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