I was kind of backing into an idea that worked very well for  me. I build
all my pages and forms on containers, nothing else directly on the form or
page itself. This made it very easy for me to take a tabbed page & throw it
onto an independent form for users to look at when the need to page over to
another routine.

-Lew Schwartz

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Dan Covill <dcov...@san.rr.com> wrote:

> On 07/02/13 11:26 AM, Gene Wirchenko wrote:
>>       HOWEVER, I do not design my forms in such a way that that is
>> likely to be an issue.  The validation that the user would fall afoul of
>> is *just for that control*.  I often have form labels stating the valid
>> input values where they are not obvious, and my error messages are the
>> same way.
> Good point, Gene.  Where I have a validation routine that will be used for
> multiple controls, e.g., testing that a value is within limits, that
> routine is a method of a business object, and the code in the Valid method
> calls it with parameters:
>         Result = oBox.ValidLength()
>     or  Result = oBox.ValidWidth()
> That way, if the rules change you don't do it in the form.
> Dan
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