Doesn't ALTER TABLE expect the table not to be open already? What happens
if you

USE in crap

before the ALTER TABLE statement?

-Lew Schwartz

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:48 PM, Mike Copeland <> wrote:

> Before they added "readwrite" to cursors, you could create a cursor and
> then reopen it using the DBF() workaround to get a cursor that was
> editable. Before that, cursors, especially the ones created with "select *
> from crap into cursor morecrap" were uneditable.
> At least that's how I remember it and it makes me happy, so that's my
> story.
> Mike Copeland
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: Why can't I ALTER TABLE on a cursor?
> From: Kurt @ VR-FX <>
> To:
> Date: 7/10/2013 5:41 PM
>> Yeah - that sounds about right - not sure why one would use this DBF()
>> thingy in the Alter...
>> -K-
>> On 7/10/2013 6:25 PM, Thierry Nivelet wrote:
>>> Alter table crap ... ?
>>> Thierry Nivelet
>>> Give your VFP app a second life in the cloud
>>> Le 11 juil. 2013 à 00:13, "MB Software Solutions, LLC" <
>>> mbsoftwaresolutions@**<>>
>>> a écrit :
>>>  VFP9SP2
>>>> My task is to import a text file which has 2 date fields that are in
>>>> MMDDYYYY format.  So I import them as C(8) and then convert them
>>>> afterwards.  I thought I could do this:
>>>> CREATE CURSOR crap (provnum c(9), datepaid c(8), lastdos c(8), reimbamt
>>>> n(15,2), bonusamt n(15,2), datepaid2 d, lastdos2 d, filename v(200), tstamp
>>>> t)
>>>> APPEND FROM ? type DELIMITED && I use the File dialogue to pick my
>>>> import file
>>>> REPLACE datepaid2 WITH CTOD(LEFT(datepaid,2)+"/"+**
>>>> SUBSTR(datepaid,3,2)+"/"+**RIGHT(datepaid,4)), lastdos2 WITH
>>>> CTOD(LEFT(lastdos,2)+"/"+**SUBSTR(lastdos,3,2)+"/"+RIGHT(**lastdos,4)),
>>>> filename WITH "crap", tstamp WITH DATETIME() ALL IN crap
>>>> ALTER table DBF("crap") drop COLUMN datepaid drop COLUMN lastdos
>>>> ...but it gives me a "File is in use" error.  I could have swore I did
>>>> this before successfully.  What am I doing wrong?
>>>> tia,
>>>> --Mike
>>>> --
>>>> Mike Babcock, MCP
>>>> MB Software Solutions, LLC
>>>> President, Chief Software Architect
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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