HEy Mike - thanks for the extensive reply. Yes - this whole thing with Libraries - I figured it was kinda new. And, added a level of complexity that makes it a little more of a PITA when and if you try to do what I am attempting to do.

Am going to look at the other suggestions from Andrew & Ted to figure out the best way to do what I am attempting to do!


On 8/10/2013 12:52 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:
I'm not a Windoze Exspurt or nuthin, but based on my exposure to XP and 7 I think that what you're seeing is a change MSoft made from the concept of "My Documents" to "Libraries."

My Documents was essentially a reference to a folder, usually in your User Name sub folder (one per user account) and was changeable so that My Documents could point to any drive anywhere you had access.

In Win 7 (and likely in Vista), Libraries are conceptual collections of one, or many, folders which can be anywhere on any drive you have access to. All of the different folder locations are kind of "grouped" together and treated as a collection of documents you want to have access to by going to My Documents (or now referred to as "Libraries - Documents".)

When working with Libraries, you simply add any folder, from anywhere, to the collection, and you can also remove any folder that is already referred to in the collection...such as the default My Documents in your User account subfolder in the "Users" root folder, which is automatically created on the same drive as your Windows installation.

Hope this helps...I may be wrong on some of the vernacular, so your mileage may vary.

Mike Copeland

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [NF] Moving My Doc's Folder...
From: Kurt @ VR-FX <v...@optonline.net>
To: profoxt...@leafe.com
Date: 8/10/2013 11:28 AM
Hey there folks - hope everyone is having a good weekend.

I haven't posted in here much over the past month or so - but, that's because I am no longer at my last day job doing VFP - now I'm working strictly as a "Freelance Prototyper" (although - I may at some point in the near future return back to one or more small VFP apps I developed in the past and try to market/sell them to the public).


I have this new PC - its a Boxx - and it came to me almost barebones - so that I could put my own HD's in there (with primary being SSD drive), Win7 I bought recently, and a hi-end video card I've owned for a while - and took out of my old machine.

Problem is - I want to keep to a minimum what goes onto the primary HD - the SSD - and mostly stick w/just the OS - and couple primary apps - like my main 3D CG app & Photoshop.

So - I know that in the past I have moved the My Documents folder - which I had done on some older PC's - which had either XP or Vista. Yet, on this Win7 - I can't really seem to figure how to do this. It just doesn't seem obvious.

Here is where I was looking. In Windows Explorer - I did a Right-click on Documents under Libraries - then selected Properties. Now, under properties I DO see an "Include a Folder..." button. And, I'm assuming I can select a folder on another drive (which is kinda what I want to do). But, I was hoping to somehow move the whole documents folder and structure to another drive - and then make that the active My Documents folder.

Do I need to essentially COPY the whole Doc's folder on C: onto another drive like F: with all the sub-folders, and THEN make it the active Doc's folder using "Include a Folder..." option button? Or - Should I literally MOVE the whole folder structure from C: to F: - and THEN make it the active Doc's folder. I just don't want to try and do it the wrong way - then have some mess that I have to attempt to cleanup since it wasn't done the right way...

Thanks in advance!

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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