ALL the libries in B4A are mostly produced by the community and there are reams 
of them. Camera, FTP, SQL Server, MySQL

Example community forum for updates

A full list of all supported libraries

You can download the demo system but it doesn't really allow you to build 
anything as you can only use the base core libraries (none of the above) which 
limits you somewhat. But it will give you an idea and the cost is minimal for 
the full dev system. The setup tutorials are good and if you need any 
assistance just shout!

Full camera support is available and in my stock take system you can take 
pictures of items that you can't identify, send them up to the server for 
further analysis. There is a signature recognition library available as well 
but I haven't tried any of it yet and printing of screens etc can be done in 
many ways as well as emailing via either pop3/smtp or with a google gmail 

Data access is done via sqlite on the Android.

The only drawback is that it is only Android based, so no iPad or windows 8 
apps but to be quite honest, all the dev systems like MobiForm that I have 
tried really creak at the seams when you are doing anything other than simple 
form based work. In effect you just have a simple card index using mobiform.

The best Apple and Android dev system that I have used is Appcelerator 
Titanium. A great open source system (Titanium Desktop) but it does take more 
getting into as it is really biased towards the lower level Apple  
"Objective-C" style of programming with it's style of framework even though it 
is in fact based on Java. Note there really is a reason to call it "Objective" 

Best of luck!


-----Original Message-----
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: 22 August 2013 11:44
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: RE: [OT] Anyone used Mobiforms smartphone rad ?

Hi Dave

B4A looks really cool. 

I've been trying to get Eclipse working without success. The emulator refuses 
to load, Wasted days on this which is real disappointment. Not sure if the 
processor or ram is enough for Eclipse. Have you had any similar problems with 

The initial request from the client is an android only application for their 
field service engineers. The FSE will fill in a form, take some pictures and 
get the customer to sign on screen. Signatures will store this against the job 
either by emailing or later downloading. Everything from the Android app will 
be sent back to the office for processing in the VFP app, I'll need to print 
the signature at some point so would need to be image file rather than points.

Does B4A allow you to manage the camera e.g. take pictures, save or email them?
Also capture a signature?

I often work with an IT chap who is looking for business apps on all three 
platforms. Mobiforms infers you write once and can deploy to Android, IPhone 
and Windows mobile. Just thinking as a solution that asks a dozen or so 
questions, fill in some notes, take a few pictures and collect a signature 
possibly Mobiforms may be able to do that across platforms?

In your opinion does Mobiforms do what it says on the tin just not in a feature 
rich  way?

I'd be interested to see some screenshots of things you've created if you are 
ok to share.
Graham at compsys dot co dot uk or info at


-----Original Message-----
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Dave Crozier
Sent: 22 August 2013 10:16
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: RE: [OT] Anyone used Mobiforms smartphone rad ?

Forget it, it is completely crap. I spent a few days evaluating it and it is 
just not flexible enough. If you are looking at Android development then 
instead look at Basic4Android. Absolutely excellent and the full dev system is 
only £40 UK money.

I rewrote our old Microsoft PDA complete stock take system on it in 3 days from 
scratch, linked it into our wifi system for data transfer and then interfaced 
it into VFP. All on £80 tablets and I have run the app unchanged on a complete 
range from smartphones to 10" tabs.

I have nothing but praise for it, forget that it is called basic as it has all 
the oops bits in there with classes, etc. and a really strong user group and 
once over the initial strangeness of writing Android apps with all the "screen 
states" you need to understand about it's an easy learn from VFP.

If you want any more details then drop me an email as I can also get it for you 
at a reduced price.


-----Original Message-----
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: 22 August 2013 09:27
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: [OT] Anyone used Mobiforms smartphone rad ?



Has anyone come across Mobiforms?


I have a vfp8 project, the customer wants an Android based front end on a 

The Eclipse/ADT route looks like a complete nightmare, mobiforms says it is a 
RAD environment for Android, Windows Phone and Iphone.


Sounds too good to be true...


If anybody has come across this product I'd appreciate any comments.





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