When I turned my notebook on today I got a overheating error.  The room was 85 
F since I had not turned on the Air Conditioning yet.  

As far as I can tell, the specifications for my CPU have a maximum 100 C 
rating, with the warning occurring when the CPU reaches 90 C

So I downloaded Speedfan and found out my CPU was running hot, over 80C.   I 
configured Speedfan to automatically adjust the fan speed. 

After doing that and vacuuming out the vents the computer was under 70 C

I then changed the power settings to lower the max CPU to 50%  and got the 
temperature to 55C and lower.  

Finally, I decided to run Combofix.   It must have found some things running in 
the background because now I have a temperature of 42 C  Of course the room 
temperature dropped from 29 C to 25 C too. 

If I had to do it all over again, I would try Combofix first. 


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