On 09/16/2013 11:26 AM, Ted Roche wrote:
On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Jeff Johnson <j...@san-dc.com> wrote:

Well, it happened again.  He printed fine for one week and this week it
did the same thing of dropping lines and not resetting fonts.  Again, the
text file is perfectly formatted, but the print out is not right.  I am
having him check the power saving settings and make sure they are turned

And has he turned off the computer and printer and turned it on again?

Forgive me if I don't recall the details. I do recall that the machine has
been left on for years, and that there is no internet connectivity and no
updates to this machine, both poor practices, imo.

I, and others on the forum, suggested a bunch of testing on the computer,
including defragging and clearing temporary file locations, checking for
free space, etc.

Most live Linux CDs have a memtest program for the PC. It would probably
also be a good idea to boot into Linux and check to see if there are any
SMART warnings for the hard drive.

Thomas Dewey of course.  Everyone knows that!


After last time he did all of those things before calling me. The only thing we haven't checked is RAM.




Jeff Johnson
(623) 582-0323


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