I use this formula to determine the quantity of records visible in a grid:

nGridRowQty = int( (thisform.grid1.height - thisform.grid1.headerheight) / thisform.grid1.rowheight)

This gives you a very good estimate of the quantity of records that will be visible in a grid with fontname= Arial and fontsize=9

You can use this number in a statement such as this:

Text to cCmd textmerge noshow flags 2 pretext 15

         Select top << nGridRowQty >> * from << cTable >>
         order by << cOrderField >> asc
        into cursor curWhatever readwrite nofilter



where cTable is the name of the table the cursor is gotten from and cOrderField is the field you would sort the cursor by.

The above will bring only a subset of records that will be visible in the grid, regardless of how many records meet the filter condition

I use this in my pagination class, to bring only the quantity of records visible at any time, improving performance and diminishing network traffic.

Rafael Copquin

El 24/10/2013 10:24, Alan Bourke escribió:
So I have a grid with a cursor behind it. The active index on the cursor
can be changed by the user, thus sorting the grid in different ways.

Is there any easy way of determine the subset of records visible in the
grid at any given time?

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