Long ago I learned how to create data dump to text file snippets by browsing
a table and then using the export option to build the statement for me and
then copy it out of the command window and make it into a procedure. any way
I need to export the football season (a 4-digit) integer as a string with
quotes on each side.


It starts out looking something like;

COPY TO c:\alldat2\special\tmppfbstats.txt FOR pfbstats2.year=2013 

  FIELDS Pfbstats2.tmid, Pfbstats2.year, . etc and then  



How do I export Pfbstats2.year as a 4-character string like "2013", instead
of 2013,

How do I export a date to the yyyy-mm-dd, format I need.

And of course I think I will change the .t. or .f. into "Y" or "N"


If I get this figured out, I should be able to update my mysql database with
2-clicks and 1-update query from mysql workbench.


Gary Jeurink

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