Use of handle.exe or Process Monitor from Sysinternals, run on the
server, will always show if there are open handles on it. We have a site
where like idiots they are backing up all their VFP data using MozyPro,
and if VFP files end up in the MozyPro upload queue then this sort of
thing happens.

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013, at 03:21 PM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
> I have seen this before.  A file gets stuck in the open position with no 
> program attached to it.  You can't open it exclusive even though there 
> is nothing running in the task manager that is holding that file.  
> Rebooting the server solved the problem.
> Jeff
> Jeff Johnson
> SanDC, Inc.
> (623)-582-0323
> <>
> <>
> <>
> On 11/22/2013 9:03 AM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
> > On 11/22/2013 8:54 AM, Tracy Pearson wrote:
> >> Jeff Johnson wrote on 2013-11-22:
> >>>   I have a site that has been working fine for years.  All of a 
> >>> sudden one
> >>>   file is throwing the above error on one table only.  You can view the
> >>>   table fine.  The problem is on add.  There is a stored procedure that
> >>>   bumps up the primary key on add.  When the stored procedure is 
> >>> called it
> >>>   throws an error number 3 File In Use.  Here is the stored procedure.
> >>>        * Lock until user presses Esc
> >>>        IF NOT USED('id')
> >>>            USE broker!ID IN 0
> >>>        ENDIF
> >>>        SELECT ID
> >>>        **********************
> >>>        **********************
> >>>        SEEK (tcAlias)
> >>>        IF FOUND()
> >>>            IF RLOCK()
> >>>                lnID = ID.nextid
> >>>                REPLACE ID.nextid WITH ID.nextid + 1
> >>>                               UNLOCK
> >>>            ENDIF
> >>>        ENDIF
> >>>        SELECT ID
> >>>        USE
> >>>        SELECT (lnoldarea)
> >>>        SET REPROCESS TO lcoldreprocess
> >>>   Any ideas?
> >> Jeff,
> >>
> >> I suspect it is on the USE command. I have customers get this 
> >> behavior when
> >> they have aggressive anti-virus or on demand backup tools that will 
> >> put a
> >> temporary lock on a file that was just updated.
> >>
> >> Tracy Pearson
> >> PowerChurch Software
> >>
> >
> > Tracy:  The stored procedure is working on all the other tables except 
> > this one.  It just started yesterday.
> >
> > Jeff
> >
> > Jeff Johnson
> > SanDC, Inc.
> > (623)-582-0323
> >
> > <>
> > <>
> > <>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> > multipart/alternative
> >  text/plain (text body -- kept)
> >  multipart/related
> >    text/html
> >    image/jpeg
> > ---
> >
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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