Check Help on RELEASING OBJECTS and related

I usually do something like this:

do form myform name oForm linked

do things with the oForm object properties and then

oForm = NULL

Of course that applies to a form, thus the call to the release method. For another object do something like:

oObj = createobject('xxx')

release oObj
oObj = NULL

If the class is derived from a procedure in a prg

set procedure to myproc.prg additive  && contains the class 'myclass'

oObj = createobject('myclass')
Use the object and then kill it:
release oObj
oObj = NULL

and finally, you can kill the procedure with

Release procedure myproc.prg

Rafael Copquin

El 11/12/2013 19:12, Jeff Johnson escribió:
I guess I did not make myself clear. I have an import object. It has no interface and is based on a custom class. It opens tables, does queries on sql server tables and then populates the tables and runs as a server so to speak. It does the import every 10 minutes. I have been using this class for over 10 years and I am modifying a few things. In my modifications I have done something wrong and I get an error. I want to stop the process completely at that point, but can't figure out how to do it. Does destroy() do that? I am running it in a top level form. Maybe clear events will work?


Jeff Johnson
SanDC, Inc.
(623)-582-0323 <> <> <>

On 12/11/2013 3:07 PM, Stephen Russell wrote:
On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Jeff Johnson <> wrote:

I'm kind of drawing a blank here.  I have a custom class that does an
import from sql server to vfp. If it creates and error, I can't seem to figure out how to immediately exit the class to I can check the error. I have to way for it to finish or offer a three finger discount to kill it.
  What is the proper way to "release" a class?

Something sounds wrong. How do you know you should exit? Returning 0 rows
or you get a 0 back when it should return the ID #?

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