You seem to agree with the statement, not oppose it. It's argument is that
the true parasites are the ruling class, not the unemployed & dependent.
Otoh, maybe I don't understand either.

On Jan 5, 2014 6:56 AM, "Ricardo Aráoz" <> wrote:
> """ People who dismiss the unemployed
> and dependent as "parasites" fail to
> understand economics and parasitism.
> A successful parasite is one that is not
> recognized by it's host, one that can
> make it's host work for it without
> appearing as a burden. Such is the
> ruling class in a capitalist society."""
> -- Jason Read
> On the other hand it might be argued that "the unemployed and dependent"
are unsuccessful parasites. Usually the fascist argument is that government
should not meddle in private affairs, but in that same sentence they are
asking for government protection against immigration, outsourcing, etc.
Basically what fascists want is protection for themselves and fuck
everybody else.
> P.S.: I am using the word "fascist" in the same way fascists call
anything to their left "communist". The name calling game may be played by
all sides.
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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