This was actually discussed Several times in this forum - look for Threads with these titles:
        Interesting scam
        [NF] Cryptolocker
        Re: Foxpro/DOS "not a dbf file" error


On 1/16/2014 4:36 PM, Fred Taylor wrote:
Anybody been struck by the ransomware virus CryptoLocker?  The company I
used to work for was struck by it this week. Thankfully, my last day was
yesterday, so I didn't have to deal much with the effects. (start  my new
job Monday)

Anywho, this one's really nasty as it targets DBF files (among many other
data storage extensions) and encrypts the files and wants payment for the
decryption code, or else you'll have to restore from backups.  This was the
route we took, but being everything was remote servers and hosted data,
took far longer than it should have.

Beware, it's typical social engineering infection via email.


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