Thanks all for the inputs!
I have made a lot of progress in that I can login and create a cursor
listing the elements in the document but I am still stumbling around trying
to get a grip on how to talk to the DOM.  John's post shows that the same
information can be accessed in more than one way.  This is very helpful but
I need to understand how it works.  My goal at this point is to have my
code show all the user entry fields, buttons, dropdowns, etc.

I found this online:

Icious <> (Programmer)

 31 Oct 01 9:17

"You can automate IE to complete that task.  I have written code that does
exactly that.  The only problem I ran into is how to reference specific
objects on the webpage.  I ended up running the code with the debugger and
tried adding objects to the watch window and seeing which values I got
back.  By manipulating the oie.DOCUMENT.SCRIPT.WINDOW.DOCUMENT.all.item(x)
references, I was able to locate the exact object I needed to get where x
is an index number of said object."

This indicates that what I want to do is possible but the references he
refers to only confuse me at this point.

When I get to the next phase I plan to start another thread showing my code
at that point.

Thanks again - Joe

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 10:58 AM, John Harvey <>wrote:

> Here is how to populate the text boxes:
> loie.Document.body.all('Username').value='ThisIsMyUserName'
> loie.Document.body.all('Password').value='MyPassword'
> Using the forms object:
> loie.Document.forms.form1.username.value='ThisHereBeMe'
> loie.Document.forms.form1.Password.value='IcannotDivulgeMyPassword'
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Joe Yoder
> Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 8:47 AM
> To: Foxpro forum
> Subject: Re: Automated bank/credit card transaction
> I have virtually no experience with HTML.  Looking at the VFP code it
> attempts to identify the names of all the forms.  I assume this is what one
> would do to find the fields that can accept data.  Looking at the site
> source, the site does not appears to have any
> forms.
> This could account for the error message but it may be that "FORMS"
> are inherent in any HTML document and the term does not necessarily show up
> in the source.
> Can someone enlighten me?
> Thanks - Joe
> On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 8:03 AM, Stephen Russell
> <>wrote:
> > Just a guess but you are in a javascript applet instead of the plain
> > old html window.
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 12:18 AM, Joe Yoder <> wrote:
> >
> > > Thanks guys for the input so far!  I found some very basic sample
> > > code
> > but
> > > haven't succeeded in logging in.  The execution fails on the line
> > > that attempts to set the username.  I suspect that the HTML or the
> > > site has changed since the code was written but I haven't figured
> > > out how to get around it.  Here is the code if anyone cares to try
> > > it and tell me what needs to change:
> > >
> > > #define CR CHR(13)
> > >
> > > LOCAL ;
> > > loIE as InternetExplorer.Application, ; llSuccess as Logical, ; x as
> > > String
> > >
> > > * Create an instance of IE
> > > loIE = CREATEOBJECT("InternetExplorer.Application")
> > > loIE.Visible = .T.
> > >
> > > * Tell IE to load a page
> > > llSuccess = loIE.Navigate("";)
> > >
> > > * Wait for IE to do it
> > > llSuccess = lWait( loIE )
> > >
> > > * Show the names of the forms:
> > > x = "Forms:"
> > > For lnForm = 0 to loIE.Document.forms.length - 1
> > >   x = x + TRANSFORM(lnForm) + ": " +
> > > TRANSFORM(loIE.Document.forms(lnForm).name)
> > > EndFor
> > > x = x + CR
> > > ? x
> > >
> > > * Fill in one of the forms
> > > loIE.Document.Forms.form1("login").Username.Value = "foo"  && Fails
> > > with "Member FORM1 does not evaluate to an object"
> > > loIE.Document.Forms("login").Password.Value = "poo"
> > > loIE.Document.Forms(0).Submit()
> > > llSuccess = lWait( loIE )
> > >
> > > * Look at all of the objects.
> > > * all(0) represents everything,
> > > * 1-N are contained objects some of which are containers themselves,
> > > * so the same thing may apear in different .all(x)'s x = x + "All
> > > Objects:"
> > > For lnObj = 0 to loIE.Document.all.length - 1 loObj =
> > > loIE.Document.all( lnObj ) x = x + TRANSFORM(lnObj) + ": " +
> > > TRANSFORM(Substr(loObj.innerhtml, 1,
> > 20))
> > > x = x + TRANSFORM(loObj.TagName) + ": " + TRANSFORM(loObj.innertext)
> > > EndFor
> > >
> > > * Close IE.
> > > * You can leave it open, doesn't seem to be a problem,
> > > * unless .visible=.f. then it is harder to close cuz you cant see the
> X.
> > > loie.Quit
> > >
> > > * save and display results
> > > STRTOFILE(x, "WebResult.txt")
> > > MODIFY FILE WebResult.txt NOWAIT
> > > Return
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ******************************
> > > Function lWait( toIE )
> > > * Wait for IE to process what you told it too.
> > > * There has got to be a simpler way to do this.
> > >
> > > DECLARE Sleep IN Win32API INTEGER nMilliseconds
> > >
> > > Local ;
> > > ltStartTime, ;
> > > ltTimeOut, ;
> > > lcCheckThis, ;
> > > llRet
> > >
> > > ltStartTime = Datetime()
> > > ltTimeOut = ltStartTime + 60
> > >
> > > DO WHILE (Datetime() < ltTimeOut ) ; AND type( "toIE.document" ) <>
> > > "O"
> > > =Sleep(1000)
> > > EndDo
> > > DO WHILE (Datetime() < ltTimeOut ) ; AND toIE.busy
> > > =Sleep(1000)
> > > ENDDO
> > > DO WHILE (Datetime() < ltTimeOut ) ; and type(
> > > "toie.document.readystate" ) <> "C"
> > > =Sleep(1000)
> > > ENDDO
> > > DO WHILE (Datetime() < ltTimeOut ) ; and toie.document.readystate <>
> > > "complete"
> > > =Sleep(1000)
> > > ENDDO
> > >
> > > llRet = Datetime() < ltTimeOut
> > > If !llREt
> > > toie.Stop()
> > > EndIf
> > >
> > > RETURN llRet
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:57 PM, AndyHC <>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > > .. or search Ed's archives for 'screen scraping' or 'xmlhttp'
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On 07/02/2014 03:07, Alan Bourke wrote:
> > > >
> > > >>
> > > >> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014, at 07:46 PM, Joe Yoder wrote:
> > > >>
> > > >>  Any pointers on how to proceed will be welcome.
> > > >>>
> > > >>>  Check if they publish an API. If not, Google 'web scraping'.
> > > >>
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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