Well, you only need to validate when u r saving some data, right.
So, from the queryunload() u call the save() method, and it calls a beforesave()
method where u check your data.
Therefore u only save if your data is ok, if it is not and u want to leave the 
form, u just don´t
save the data.


On Friday, March 7, 2014 7:59 PM, Gene Wirchenko <ge...@telus.net> wrote:
Dear Vixens and Reynards:
>      What happens when one closes a form with a grid on it and 
>validation is set off?
>      Well, interestingly/frustratingly enough, the form's 
>QueryUnload does not fire until after the current control's 
>LostFocus.  This means that you can not code to ignore the validation 
>because the form is closing anyway.  Well, not cleanly that I can 
>see.  One can kludge something with amouseobj() as I have below (not 
>with a grid yet).  This works, but is a kludge.  Is there a better way?
>      Run this, and click somewhere.  The close button is of 
>particular interest.
>***** Start of Included Code *****
>* tmpclose
>* Experimenting with Form Closing
>* Last Modification: 2014-03-07
>#include "foxpro.h"
>    ? "*** Execution begins."
>    ? program()
>    close all
>    clear all
>    *
>    oForm=createobject("TestForm")
>    oForm.show()
>    read events
>    *
>    close all
>    clear all
>    ? "*** Execution ends."
>    return
>define class TestForm as form
>    procedure init
>       this.addobject("tb1","TestTextbox",10,10)
>       this.tb1.visible=.t.
>       return .t.
>       endproc
>    procedure queryunload
>       clear events
>       return
>       endproc
>    enddefine
>define class TestTextbox as textbox
>    procedure init
>    lparameter ptop, pleft
>       this.top=ptop
>       this.left=pleft
>       this.height=20
>       this.width=40
>       return .t.
>       endproc
>    procedure lostfocus
>       local mousie(4)
>       =amouseobj(mousie)
>       activate screen
>       ? mousie(1),this.objtype(mousie(1))
>       ? mousie(2),this.objtype(mousie(2))
>       ? mousie(3)
>       ? mousie(4)
>       if mousie(1)=thisform and mousie(4)<0
>          activate screen
>          ? "Apparently, the close button was clicked."
>       else
>          activate screen
>          ? "unknown action"
>          endif
>       return
>       endproc
>    procedure objtype
>    lparameter oObj
>       do case
>       case type("oObj")#T_OBJECT
>          retval="not an object"
>       case isnull(oObj)
>          retval="null object"
>       case oObj=thisform
>          retval="thisform object"
>       otherwise
>          retval="non-null, unknown object"
>          endcase
>       return retval
>       endproc
>    enddefine
>***** End of included Code *****
>Gene Wirchenko
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