On 4/21/2014 1:09 PM, Ted Roche wrote:

Congratulations on your retirement! I am also a bicycle fan, but I don't
find it reasonable to bill my clients for time that isn't spent building
their applications. Sure, the value of our product is based on the care and
thought we put into it, and not the number of keystrokes, and it should be
priced that way, but you reflect that in your hourly rate, and not in
tracking the seconds spent thinking about an app. The *best* system design
I *EVER* did (and it was magnificent, if I do say so myself) came to me in
a dream. Much as I'd like to, I can't in good conscience, charge the client
for my time spent sleeping. But the amount of time documenting,
implementing and refining that design is billable.

When I get stuck on a programming task, as often happens between 3 and 4 in
the afternoon, I punch off the clock and walk the dog. When I return, I
usually have the problem solved. That's what we're paid for, solving
problems. But that time gets billed to the dog, not the client.

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 3:45 PM, Jim Harvey <jim.harv...@verizon.net> wrote:

Now that I'm retired, and doing work for them as a consultant (independent
contractor), billing by the hour, I was wondering how does one charge for
the time they are "thinking" about a project.

Those darn dogs. They get all the attention but never pay their bill. I follow the same path that Ted does. If I can't bid a job closely, I will propose an hourly rate and a cap of hours. Let's say 10 hours at $5,000 per hour and I will not go over 15 hours. If it looks like it is going over 15 hours I will talk to the client. The important thing is no surprises. Substitute $5,000 with your hourly rate. ;^)



Jeff Johnson
SanDC, Inc.
Fax 623-869-0675


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