On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 8:40 PM, Michael Oke, II <oke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> May have to try more than once.

Thanks, Michael -- I have done that at least a half-dozen times.


There is a new wrinkle, though. Since I see that the website now has actual
customer service (which is new, before it just had a few pictures of the
product), I decided to charge it back up so I could play with CS people on
Tuesday (American holiday today).

Not sure what led to this, but suddenly I get a message that it is
"Updating Android" (I think it was 4.1). It has been stuck on "Optimizing
Applications 5 of 91" since I first saw it this morning, about 4 hours ago.


Thanks all for trying to help. Since it is doing something different now, I
don't know what to expect.


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