Congratulations and thanks to Fernando for his very professional follow-up on 
this thread. I learnt a lot.

Thierry Nivelet
Give your VFP app a second life in the cloud

> Le 4 oct. 2014 à 12:29, Laurie Alvey <> a écrit :
> This is all clear now. Thanks to all.
> Laurie
>> On 4 October 2014 11:19, Fernando D. Bozzo <> wrote:
>> I've doing some testing on this, and found this:
>> - Apparently the table name list shown are taken starting from last
>> expression
>> - If a field of a table excluded from the table list is taked out from the
>> view, this does not update the table name list
>> - To show all tables, apparently is needed that last added fields must
>> belong to tables that you need in this table list
>> The only way I've found that all tables where shown, is showing the SQL
>> view at a side of the view designer, adding needed fields and looking that
>> the SQL view shows the appropiate DBSETPROP with the tables
>> Regards.-
>>> On 4 October 2014 11:32, AndyHC <> wrote:
>>> .. looking at this a bit more it seems that a table field must be used
>>> unqualified in the view - /fielda/ is OK but e.g. sum(/fielda/) is not/.
>>> /Example -  in the NorthWind database:
>>> jj=DBGETPROP('summary_of_sales_by_year',"VIEW","Tables")  && returns an
>>> empty string/
>>> /jj=DBGETPROP('sales_by_category',"VIEW","Tables")/  &&/ returns
>>> 'Categories, Products/
>>> /
>>> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
>>> multipart/alternative
>>> text/plain (text body -- kept)
>>> text/html
>>> ---
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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