On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 2:44 PM, Mike Copeland <m...@ggisoft.com> wrote:

> Yep and yep.
> The reports currently output from my application to either paper or PDF,
> with PDF being the default. The reason for the PDF is because my users all
> LOVE to kill trees and can't imagine life without going through a ream of
> paper per day, or more. Seriously. And I say this NOT because I'm a tree
> hugger...I just still haven't given up completely on the digital office
> dream.
> When I switched all the reports over to PDF I was hoping they would
> embrace the concept of "look, here's your report on screen and it looks
> EXACTLY like it would on paper! Even better because it's color!" And, if
> they are so inclined, they're only a button click away from emailing the
> PDF, or (groan) printing it to paper. But even better, you can save the PDF
> and refer to it later just like paper. (I think I'm preaching to the choir
> here...)
> What they are currently doing is printing, to paper, a report at 8am, then
> the same report at 3pm and a girl sits with a ruler on each page, side by
> side, looking left/right left/right till she gets cross-eyed and then she
> takes a break and another girl sits in her place. (attempt at humor is only
> slightly different than reality.)
> I was on-site with this client most of yesterday and after a discussion of
> what she was doing I offered to come up with a better way. Now I'm hoping
> to just throw $0 or a few bucks at the situation and provide something that
> is pretty much the same thing, but faster and more accurate. Thus, my
> request for whether anyone was aware of a similar utility. :)
> -----------------------

International Paper still prints a banner page on each item out of the
printer.  I see you and I raise you.

Stephen Russell
Sr. Analyst
Ring Container Technology
Oakland TN

901.246-0159 cell

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