Hello Thierry, long time no see!!

I have seen the info you sent me and it really needs to be studied with time.

Thank you for the quick response

Mes meilleures salutations

Rafael Copquin

El 11/03/2015 a las 9:14, Thierry Nivelet escibió:
Hi Rafael,

you need to use the web-based API, VFP being a http client ...

eg for dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/developers/core/docs

you can eg use the wwHTTP package:

with newobject('wwHTTP', 'wwHTTP.prg')
  .addPostKey('user', <userID>)
  .addPostKey('password', <password>)
  response = .httpGet(' https://www.dropbox.com/1/oauth2/authorize')

(you need to read the API spec. to figure out the exact requests needed and their syntax)

Thierry Nivelet
Give your VFP app a second life in the cloud

Le 11/03/2015 12:52, Rafael Copquin a écrit :
I would like to include a VFP routine to do the following:

Zip or RAR the database and all tables and indexes
Send them automatically to either DropBox, OneDrive or GoogleDrive

I know that they can be sent to the applicable folders in the PC and then they would automatically be sent to the cloud.

But I wonder if there is a way to access the cloud repository directly, without sending the file to the local folder first

I that is the case, what would be the VFP code to use?

Rafael Copquin

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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