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On 03/11/2015 04:26 PM, Malcolm Greene wrote:
> I've seen posts on this forum extolling the virtues of password managers
> like 1Password and LastPassword. Wondering if anyone has used one of
> these type of products and gone back to self managing their passwords
> and if so, why? Any enthusiastic users with a recommendation on a
> specific product? I'm also curious if anyone is using Apple's Keychain
> as their primary password manager.

I've been using LastPass for about 4 years now, and wouldn't ever go
back to anything else. It makes using reasonably secure passwords a

> I've been using a XKCD-type method for generating easy to remember
> passwords that are hard to break [1] and adding a non-obvious domain
> name derived suffix to my base complex password for each login site.

So you have to do mental gymnastics every time you go to a site in order
to remember your password? The older I get, the less appealing that is
to me.

Also, the model proposed by XKCD is not always considered very good:
( -or- http://bit.ly/1AhyXjn )

> 1. The use of a single master password scares me. If this password gets
>    discovered (key logger?) then all my passwords are exposed.

Well, that pretty much goes for any approach. If I keylogged your
computer, I'd quickly learn your password scheme, and could probably
figure out your domain-name trick.

Once your physical machine is compromised, you're hosed. Don't count on
any technique to keep you safe in that event.

> 2. I work in very locked down environments that don't allow the
>    installation of password manager applications, browser extensions or
>    even access to their websites. Trying to copy a giant randomly
>    generated password from a password manager on my mobile phone sounds
>    like a logistical nightmare.

LastPass for iOS makes this super-easy. I use it all the time.

> 3. What happens if I don't have access to a personal device with a
>    password manager and I need to sign into a site with a huge randomly
>    generated password? Sounds like I would be SOL?

Yeah, pretty much. If you have your phone, you could look it up and type
the big-ass password manually, but that isn't fun. It boils down to how
much convenience you are willing to trade for security.

- -- Ed Leafe
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