On 3/11/2015 5:27 PM, Stephen Russell wrote:
On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 4:10 PM, Ted Roche<tedro...@gmail.com>  wrote:
On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Richard Kaye<rk...@invaluable.com>
Good to know, Vince, and I gladly stand corrected. MS was not so
generous with the tools in the past.

Wonder why that it.

That's sure going to be a tough price for PostgreSQL to match :)

It is when you get out of the core database that you start to pay for
Of course, and the most expensive is M$. Interestingly I did have a recent success last year: I got a couple folks fired for recommending MS SQL-Server - got 0 results for costs expended, And they hadn't even suggested using an Open Source DB as a starting point for their proof of concept. Good riddance, the company wins, the company's customers win. Need to weed out more "so-called experts" in the same way. But I digress...
Not knocking the product at all.  Just bringing to light that resources to
Of course, you're trying to knock the product, you're an MS-head.

I myself was going to ask if Ken knew for sure that the job used only MS-SQL. If they're not committed, or at least open-minded, he might make a good name for himself by suggesting investigating PostgreSQL. As M$ spirals down into death, a lot of companies are looking for alternatives. It'd be good to be ahead of that curve.

But it is very true that database design is about the biggest determining factor of a "good" application. I've seen the most horrible designs created by MS-certified/Oracle-certified folks (in MS-SQL and Oracle). Recently I gen'd up a VFP app for team in a few days, using VFP dbfs, and they were stunned (software dev is not the role I'm currently filling). Showed them good uses of relational integrity, triggers, stored procedures, blah blah blah. Incredible, just incredible, the level of stupidity in the computer industry today. But at least they know MS-SQL server! ROFLMAO.


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