Thanks Man-wai, Data, hard disk are fine. Even if this issue wasn't there,
all is backed up.

So, I ran the hardware test and *Yay!* I got an error. Confirms Kurt's
brilliance! ;-)

Off I toddle to Wurst Buy, pick up a new SIMM, and perform surgery on the
computer. Well, I have 2 8-gig SIMMs. Which one is bad? So, with a 50-50
chance, I take one out, replace it with the newbie, and turn on the
computer. Boots fine, so the new memory is OK.

BUT, I still don't know if I replaced the right one. I ran the hardware
test again, and, bummer, got the error. No biggie (except it takes a couple
of hours to run). Shut 'er down and swap the other original SIMM (original

Boots again, no issue, but just out of curiousity, I run the hardware test
again. Same error!

OK, so do I spend another $60 to replace the other original SIMM, assuming
that both original SIMMs are bad? Or is it going to generate that same
error each dang time, even with 2 new ones?

After I hit "Send," I'm going to fire up the W7 VM and see if it hits the
wall again. I'm also trying to understand the error code (4MEM/62/40000000
0x84e9e998), but so far without success.


On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 11:59 PM, Man-wai Chang <> wrote:

> I suppose the priority now is to check whether your personal data is
> safe....
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 11:14 PM, Ken Kixmoeller (ProFox)
> <> wrote:
> > The combination of the new Mac OS update and the new version of parallels
> > seems to have toasted my computer.
> --
>  .~. Might, Courage, Vision. SINCERITY!
> / v \ 64-bit Ubuntu 9.10 (Linux kernel
> /( _ )\
> ^ ^ May the Force and farces be with you!
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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