Has anyone in this wonderful throng of people had any success using regsvr32 to 
register an OCX programmatically in VFP.

I have a routine that used to run brilliantly on XP but it just fails on Win 7 
despite giving the indication that all is OK. I am sure it is to do with 
elevated permissions and UAC.

The additional problem is also to decide whether to copy the OCX into the 
Windows\System, or Windows\System32 or Windows\SYSWOW64 folder before 
registering it as the OCX's required are held on a network share, but that is 
just a nicety just to package the OXC installation up into a one off "if it 
isn't there then install it" routine.

I would ideally like to use only inbuilt VFP commends (DLL Calls etc) and not 
have to shell out to the command window on both 32 and 64 bit operating system 

Thanks in anticipation.

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