On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Ken Dibble <krdib...@stny.rr.com> wrote:

> Is there some other quick test I should use?

I did put in a request years ago for MS to add a "BROWSE FOR
CORRUPTED()" but MS thought it would be too hard.

A real problem with a bit set in the wrong place is that you won't
trip over it until you reproduce the exact sequence that causes it.

Nothing quick is likely to find something hidden this deep. PACK can
carry the problem around, as well as REINDEX. It's not quick but
rebuilding tables and indexes from clean source can root out a problem
sometimes, but at a high cost in effort and downtime. Hence, why
people buy tools like Stonefield. Doug's already done the heavy

> Okay. Somebody else said SELECTs operate in their own data session.

I think Laurie meant something else.

In this case what I mean is this, starting from a fresh VFP session:

create table temp (field1 c(10), field2 date)
use  && no tables open
select * from temp into cursor notsotemp
select 0
use temp && File is in use!

If you run DISPLAY STATUS, you'll see Temp is open, (Readonly) Alias: NOTSOTEMP

USED("temp") returns .F. since the table is aliased, even though that
might not have been your intent.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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