2015-08-11 1:05 GMT+02:00 Ted Roche <tedro...@gmail.com>:

> I haven't heard TSR in a long time :)
> I'd recommend you develop the functionality as a plain 'ol FoxPro EXE
> and then launch it every 15 minutes (or 10 or 5, depending on how much
> precision you need) that opens, reads the tables, pops up its
> reminders, then closes. Add it to the Windows Schedule Tasks applet,
> which has a decent app for scheduling that lets you set things like 8
> AM to 6 PM, Monday through Friday, for example.
And isn't easier to put the EXE on the Start folder, so it executes when
Windows starts, and keep in memory as a TSR?
Why the need to shut it down and start up all the time?
It simply can hide, wait and show when it's time, user close it (hideing,
not real close) and start all over again.

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