M$ OneDrive wants you to re-commit to them giving you 15 gig of free
space.  Looks like Googles rules as well but they are showing the
information easily.
OneDrive Preview needs your permission to:
Sign in automatically
Signing in with your Microsoft account will automatically sign you in to
this app.
View your profile info and contact list
OneDrive Preview will be able to see your profile info, including your
name, gender, display picture, contacts, and friends.
Access your email addresses
OneDrive Preview will be able to see the email addresses in your profile.
Add or remove bonus storage
OneDrive Preview will be able to add bonus storage to your account. It will
also be able to remove this storage (but no other storage), at any point in
You can change these application permissions
<https://account.live.com/consent/Manage> at any time in your account

For me OnDrive has a secondary account.

Stephen Russell
Sr. Analyst
Ring Container Technology
Oakland TN

901.246-0159 cell

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