On 2 Mar 2016 11:57 p.m., "Ted Roche" <> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 5:21 PM, Ken Dibble <> wrote:
> > I have a Linux file server. I am using SAMBA 3 as a domain controller.
> >
> > I want to set up SAMBA shares on the file server that do not have to be
> > accessed from Windows machines via either UNC notation or by separate
> mapped
> > drives.
> >
> > Instead, I want to have a share on the Linux server called Public that is
> > accessible to all network users from any Windows machine. Within that
> share
> > I want all users to be able to open, edit, and create any files or
> folders,
> > EXCEPT certain specific folders.
> I've created some tricky Samba configurations, but they are tough to get
> right!
> Logged into the server using an admin account (like root), typing:
> testparrm
> will report what Samba thinks the configuration is, including an
> uncommented config output, which can be handy to compare against your
> Samba configs to see if there are commands Samba is ignoring or
> misinterpreting.
> Post that and we'll see if it matches what you've described above.
> --
> Ted Roche
> Ted Roche & Associates, LLC
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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