Interesting to see what people look like after years of corresponding by email 


John Weller
01380 723235
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Sent from my iPad

> On 6 Apr 2016, at 13:56, Ken Kixmoeller (ProFox) 
> <> wrote:
> Hey - - -
> My daughter's "photography from a dog's point of view" social media
> presence is exploding (at least by our standards). In addition to the 2
> London newspapers, now it has been picked up by local TV stations around
> the country.
> Suddenly, posting to Instagram isn't quite enough. We had been trying to
> figure out how best to use Twitter, G+, and especially Facebook, but now we
> need to clone Instagram content on the other platforms. Facebook is
> problematic, because the page to which we want to post is a page that we
> "own" rather than my main, personal page.
> I am actively researching this, but (as usual) you all have such amazing
> experience, I'd be thrilled if you would share your experience.
> Thanks,
> Ken
> PS: for those interested in dogs, photography, or both here are a few of
> the links:
> -
> -
> -
> -
> -
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