On Wed, 06 Jul 2016 15:57:20 -0700, Gene Wirchenko <ge...@telus.net> wrote:

>      I ran into some trouble writing an update program for my 
>app.  Having not done it for quite a while, I forgot how to xBASE 
>append from a cursor.  A simple
>           append from thecursorname
>does not work.  Instead, I finally remembered the, rather less-than-obvious
>           append from (dbf("thecursorname"))
>      Is there a better way?
>Gene Wirchenko

Hi Gene,

your way in correct!

And then there is the SQL way:

insert into YourCursor ;
   (Field1, Field2, Field3, FieldX) ;
   select Field1, Field2, Field3, FieldX ;
      from thecursorname


insert into YourCursor ;
   select * ;
      from thecursorname

Make sure that the implicit and / or explicit fields lists do match.


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