I need to have a user choose a file with a specific extension from a
specific folder.  I assumed I could simply pass a file skeleton to GETFILE
like one does to ADIR.  When I try that FoxPro seems to navigate to the
proper folder but does not show any contents in the folder.

I looked up the docs on GETFILE and it appears that specifying the path to
a specific folder is not a valid use.  One needs to "SET DEFAULT TO" the
desired path in a separate operation and then call GETFILE with the desired
extension.  This appears to work but when I tried to save and restore the
setting of DEFAULT before and after this use I discovered that no matter
what I do,
?SET('DEFAULT') always returns 'C:'.  Since "SET DEFAULT TO" (invalid path)
gives an error  and GETFILE respects the setting - apparently the default
value is being set but just not reported.  My conclusion is that the
recommended "m.SaveDef = SET('DEFAULT')" before and
"SET DEFAULT TO m.SaveDef) after really do nothing.

Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance,


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