On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 10:41 AM, Alan Bourke <alanpbou...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> Anyone used this? Good\bad\indifferent?
> Or any other SFTP solution?

Some enthusiasm from the archives: http://leafe.com/archives/full_thread/486627

Bear in mind the position of the "S" matters:

SFTP is Secure File Transfer that uses the ssh protocol to create an
encrypted tunnel from client to server, while

FTPS is plain old File Transfer Protocol that uses an SSL (usually
really TLS these days) encrypted tunnel to pass files.

Pros and Cons of the two are [NF] and way beyond the topic at hand.
Just bear in mind they are two different things, and are less
interoperable that filling your gas tank with diesel fuel.

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