So, what's your theory? You have the data, you'll need to make the
hypotheses and test them out. Perhaps they are storing the dates as a
offset in seconds since June of 2003, or perhaps there's something
else going on. If you know the correct date for a couple of records,
you should be able to match them against these 9-digit elements and
work out the pattern.

In SQLite3, if you issued a "SELECT * FROM <table>" do you see the
same values you see in VFP?

I don't know why they would be coming back as memo fields.

So, I just installed SQLite3 and the ODBC driver, created a test
database and table with a date and datetime, populated it, created a
DSN for VFP to connect to, queried the database table and got back a
date and a datetime.

You'll need to supply more information, or work it out for yourself.

On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 2:36 PM, José Olavo Cerávolo
<> wrote:
> Ok, here's the information I get with SQLite3, the Dates are stored with 9 
> characters.
> database page size:  4096
> write format:        2
> read format:         2
> reserved bytes:      0
> file change counter: 347
> database page count: 532
> freelist page count: 0
> schema cookie:       45
> schema format:       4
> default cache size:  0
> autovacuum top root: 39
> incremental vacuum:  1
> text encoding:       1 (utf8)
> user version:        0
> application id:      0
> software version:    3014000
> number of tables:    23
> number of indexes:   14
> number of triggers:  0
> number of views:     0
> schema size:         8265
> Subject: Re: Reading from SQLite
> Message-ID:
>     <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 12:17 PM, Jos? Olavo Cer?volo
> <> wrote:
>> Hi Ted,
>> The dates on the existing table are not .NULL..When I get the date using 
>> what you suggested, datetime(yourfield,'unixepoch','localtime'), I get this 
>> date on an MEMO field 1984-10-05 23:00:00. This date is not the actual date 
>> on the other application. The date should be in 2017.The actual value stored 
>> on the actual SQLite table is 459316800.
> Well, that's weird. THE SQLite function datetime() is expecting a
> number of 10 digits, so that's not the encoding scheme. Can you use a
> tool like SQLite3 to look at the actual data in the SQLite table and
> confirm this isn't a problem with ODBC or Fox's intepretation of the
> data? José Olavo Cerávolo
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> multipart/alternative
>   text/plain (text body -- kept)
>   text/html
> ---
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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