I'm thinking it is more a factor of momentum: "An object at rest tends 
to stay at rest."  They probably rolled out a package that they 
purchased, they're on to other projects and no one took the initiative 
to fix an error.  I was careful in my email to be very polite, and to 
kindly request the fix ("Please sir, could I have some more?"), and not 
to mention the "L" word (Linux).

One thing to remember is that I am not the customer of the school 
system.  Heck, my sons aren't even the customer.  The real customer is 
my children's grades and test scores.  I have come to the realization 
that the school system (as a whole) doesn't care what my kids learn or 
whether they retain any knowledge.  It just matters how they test and 
are graded.  That is the true "customer": test scores.  All school 
system decisions and finances are dependant on those scores.  I'm sick 
of it.  We're homeschooling our kids starting in January.

Darn.  I'm OT!  Gah!!!

Kevin Cully
CULLY Technologies, LLC

Sponsor of Fox Forward 2006!

MB Software Solutions wrote:
> So many in Corporate America are like this, and it's terrible.  Their 
> pride gets in the way of the better good, imo.

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