Individual indexes on each field should work, not an index on the compound 

On 3 November 2017 17:09:39 GMT-04:00, wrote:
>VFP9SP2 free table
>I've got a table with this structure:
>city c(30)
>state c(2)
>radius i
>distance i
>My query is looking for city, state, and radius, to get back those
>distance is <= InputParameter.
>select *
>   from MyTable
>  where city = m.tcCity and state = m.tcState and radius <= m.tiRadius
>Not sure if I should
>index on city tag city
>index on state tag state
>index on radius tag radius
>index on city + state + padl(allt(str(radius)),6,'0') tag MyTag
>I know I can use SYS(3054) to get my answer but I'm getting ready to be
>away from the office for a bit and was hoping someone knew the obvious 
>answer.  Otherwise I'll run my testing later tonight.
>(At the very least, hopefully somebody learned about SYS(3054,x,y) 
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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