On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 3:54 PM, Eric Selje <eric.se...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm playing w/ Firebase, but that's a whole different thing. Is Firebird
> still a thing? Is that the evoution of Paradox?

Firebird is different from Firebase, and has nothing to do with
Freebird, either. Or Mozilla. Or FireFox, Thunderbird or Phoenix, AZ.

Firebird is the OpenSource release of the Interbase data engine,
formerly known as the Borland Database Engine.

Is it still a thing might depend on your perspective. It is a free as
in speech, free as in beer, fully open-sourced product. It's a robust
RDBMS, capable of gigabytes of data storage, transactions, auditing,
all the core "stuff" that goes into a database engine. It's got
triggers and constraints and UDFs. Ideally, it runs on Linux, and the
server and processes that interact with the server (like Java, Python,
etc. apps) reside on the same machine, though the apps can certainly
buffer web access through their applications. There are ADO, ODBC and
many other connectors.

There's a small, ragtag, fervent group of zealots (sound familiar
<g>?) keeping the flame alive. There are some pretty impressive 3rd
party tools. A guru named Helen Borrie wrote a 1000+ page book on it
in 2004, and she released a 3-volume book sent on it last year.
There's a conference, and there are newsletters.

So, is it a thing? Yeah, maybe.

I happened across it because a potential client has a Quickbooks
inventory extension that uses that as the backend, and they have
customized it. So, I'm poking at it. There are packages for Fedora,
RedHat, CentOS and Ubuntu, and I've got "Hello, World!" running.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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