If you are only using US English in language settings, nothing would go bad. :)

But I noticed that some differences regarding Chinese Hong Kong
Language Pack between Home and Professional. It seemed that Win 10
Home didn't install Hong Kong's Supplementary Character Set. I didn't
noticed the same problem with my old Win 10 Professional install.

Maybe I did something wrong, needed a few more Win 10 clean installs
to verify. I needed to test more carefully.

On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 2:45 AM, Jürgen Wondzinski <juer...@wondzinski.de> wrote:
> ah that "I thought I heard" ....  How rumors are given birth.
> Nope, there's absolutely no difference between Windows Home and Windows Pro
> in regard of VFP9
> >
> > I thought I heard that Home edition didn't work as well with VFP apps.
> > Is that true?

 .~. Might, Courage, Vision. SINCERITY!
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