ProFox List Statistics
Subscriber Count at End of Year:
                ProFox: 291
                ProFoxTech: 183

Total Posts: 3509
(Down 2.77% from 2016)

Total [OT] Posts: 43
(Down 14.0% from 2016)

Total [NF] Posts: 1117
(Down 4.2% from 2016)

Daily Message Counts for 2017
Date  Count
----  -----
      1  - 145
      2  - 103
      3  -  90
      4  -  77
      5  - 123
      6  - 158
      7  - 132
      8  - 124
      9  - 122
     10  - 154
     11  - 122
     12  - 135
     13  - 139
     14  - 148
     15  -  67
     16  - 107
     17  -  94
     18  -  76
     19  -  98
     20  - 194
     21  - 117
     22  -  64
     23  -  51
     24  - 110
     25  -  98
     26  - 128
     27  - 175
     28  - 125
     29  -  86
     30  -  76
     31  -  71

Message Counts By Day of Week for 2017
DOW  Count
---  -----
Sun -  114
Mon -  686
Tue -  653
Wed -  572
Thu -  635
Fri -  654
Sat -  195

Distinct Posters to the List
(changes relative to 2016)
        Non-OT messages: 118 (Up 6.31%)
        OT messages: 15 (Down 6.25%)
        NF messages: 75 (Up 2.74%)
Total number: 118 (Up 6.31%)

Top 20 Contributors by Number of Non-OT Posts
|    Posts   Contributor                       |
  1.  509    mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com
  2.  282    Ted Roche 
  3.  206    Alan Bourke 
  4.  190    Dave Crozier 
  5.  187    Stephen Russell 
  6.  146    Richard Kaye 
  7.  141    Paul H. Tarver 
  8.   94    Thierry Nivelet 
  9.   89    Gene Wirchenko 
 10.   77    Ed Leafe 
 11.   68    AndyHC 
 12.   68    Paul Newton 
 13.   63    Tracy Pearson 
 14.   61    Fred Taylor 
 15.   55    Man-wai Chang 
 16.   54    Jürgen Wondzinski 
 17.   54    Kurt at VR-FX 
 18.   53    John Weller 
 19.   50    Kurt Wendt 
 20.   46    Michael Madigan 

Top 16 Contributors by Number of OT Posts
|    Posts   OT%  Contributor                  |
  1.    8     8%  Gene Wirchenko 
  2.    5     3%  Dave Crozier 
  3.    4     8%  Michael Madigan 
  4.    4     8%  Laurie Alvey 
  5.    3   100%  Jürgen Wondzinski 
  6.    3     1%  mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com
  7.    3    14%  Jean Laeremans 
  8.    2     7%  Charlie-gm 
  9.    2    13%  Jerry Wolper 
 10.    2     4%  Jürgen Wondzinski 
 11.    2     8%  Paul Hill 
 12.    1     6%  Michael Oke, II 
 13.    1     8%  Jean MAURICE 
 14.    1     1%  Ed Leafe 
 15.    1     2%  Fred Taylor 
 16.    1     3%  Eric Selje 

Top 20 Contributors by Number of NF Posts
|    Posts   Contributor                       |
  1.  153    mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com
  2.  112    Stephen Russell 
  3.  110    Ted Roche 
  4.   73    Alan Bourke 
  5.   60    Paul H. Tarver 
  6.   54    Dave Crozier 
  7.   33    Ed Leafe 
  8.   33    Gene Wirchenko 
  9.   29    Thierry Nivelet 
 10.   29    AndyHC 
 11.   24    Man-wai Chang 
 12.   23    Malcolm Greene 
 13.   22    Richard Kaye 
 14.   21    Ken Dibble 
 15.   20    Kurt at VR-FX 
 16.   19    John Weller 
 17.   16    Michael Madigan 
 18.   15    Charlie-gm 
 19.   15    Kevin J Cully 
 20.   14    Kurt Wendt 

Top 20 Contributors by Total Number of Posts
|    Posts   Contributor                       |
  1.  512    mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com
  2.  282    Ted Roche 
  3.  206    Alan Bourke 
  4.  195    Dave Crozier 
  5.  187    Stephen Russell 
  6.  146    Richard Kaye 
  7.  141    Paul H. Tarver 
  8.   97    Gene Wirchenko 
  9.   94    Thierry Nivelet 
 10.   78    Ed Leafe 
 11.   68    AndyHC 
 12.   68    Paul Newton 
 13.   63    Tracy Pearson 
 14.   62    Fred Taylor 
 15.   56    Jürgen Wondzinski 
 16.   55    Man-wai Chang 
 17.   54    Kurt at VR-FX 
 18.   53    John Weller 
 19.   50    Michael Madigan 
 20.   50    Kurt Wendt 

Top 20 Contributors by Number of New Threads Started
|    Posts   Contributor                       |
  1.  106    mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com
  2.   52    Jürgen Wondzinski 
  3.   30    Stephen Russell 
  4.   27    Ted Roche 
  5.   22    Paul Newton 
  6.   17    Paul H. Tarver 
  7.   14    Dave Crozier 
  8.   13    List Administrator Account 
  9.   13    Gene Wirchenko 
 10.   11    Ed Leafe 
 11.   10    Michael Madigan 
 12.    8    Ken Dibble 
 13.    8    Charles Hart Enzer, M.D. 
 14.    8    Alan Bourke 
 15.    8    Rick Schummer 
 16.    7    John Weller 
 17.    6    rafael copquin 
 18.    6    Man-wai Chang 
 19.    5    Al 
 20.    4    Kurt Wendt 

Top 20 Non-OT Threads by Total Number of Posts
|    Posts   Subject                                             |
  1.   74    [NF] learn more about what you hate so much.
  2.   56    [NF] PyQT for desktop applications
  3.   49    Getting count of rows in a text file -- best approach?
  4.   40    [NF] [FW] Programming language life expectancy
  5.   34    [NF] Do you prefer Digest Mode?
  6.   31    [NF] Customer asking for (preferably free) unattended remote 
access software so she can access her work machine from home
  7.   31    [NF] Open systems Drive you crazy
  8.   31    [NF] Windows updates August problems?
  9.   31    GETFILE() Returns Empty String in Some Cases
 10.   30    "An IF | ELSE | ENDIF statement is missing"
 11.   29    Diffing VCXs
 12.   27    SQL Backend Question - Part Deux
 13.   26    Outlook 2016 security no longer allowing VFP app to send emails as 
it did in the past
 14.   25    VFP9SP2 apps on Citrix
 15.   24    [NF] Python: 2.x vs 3.x
 16.   24    e: [NF] PyQT for desktop applications
 17.   23    SQLite Problem - DSN-less Connection Doesn't Create A File
 18.   23    BitDefender Doesn't Play Well With VFP
 19.   23    Running Multiple Instances of VFP 9
 20.   23    [NF] Drop-Dead Simple USB Drive Encryption

Top 14 OT Threads by Total Number of Posts
|    Posts   Subject                                             |
  1.   10    [OT] Spent the past 4 days in London...and loved it!!!!
  2.    7    [OT] Hallo
  3.    5    [OT] [FW] Programming language life expectancy
  4.    4    [OT] Test
  5.    4    AW: [OT] Test
  6.    4    [OT] Excessive Bounces E-mails
  7.    2    [OT] Nothing here, move along
  8.    1    [OT] Humour: I Work From Home
  9.    1    [OT] Humour (was: VFP9SP2 app on Windows 10 -- reports not showing)
 10.    1    [OT] Checking posts - cannot seem to see my own but option is set
 11.    1    [OT] Non-Natives' English (was: SQL Backend Question - Part Deux)
 12.    1    [OT] joke
 13.    1    [OT] Google employee's anti-diversity manifesto.
 14.    1    [OT] Non-Natives' English (was: SQL Backend Question - Part Deux)

Top 20 Threads by Total Number of Posts
|    Posts   Subject                                             |
  1.   74    [NF] learn more about what you hate so much.
  2.   56    [NF] PyQT for desktop applications
  3.   49    Getting count of rows in a text file -- best approach?
  4.   40    [NF] [FW] Programming language life expectancy
  5.   34    [NF] Do you prefer Digest Mode?
  6.   31    [NF] Customer asking for (preferably free) unattended remote 
access software so she can access her work machine from home
  7.   31    [NF] Open systems Drive you crazy
  8.   31    [NF] Windows updates August problems?
  9.   31    GETFILE() Returns Empty String in Some Cases
 10.   30    "An IF | ELSE | ENDIF statement is missing"
 11.   29    Diffing VCXs
 12.   27    SQL Backend Question - Part Deux
 13.   26    Outlook 2016 security no longer allowing VFP app to send emails as 
it did in the past
 14.   25    VFP9SP2 apps on Citrix
 15.   24    [NF] Python: 2.x vs 3.x
 16.   24    e: [NF] PyQT for desktop applications
 17.   23    SQLite Problem - DSN-less Connection Doesn't Create A File
 18.   23    BitDefender Doesn't Play Well With VFP
 19.   23    Running Multiple Instances of VFP 9
 20.   23    [NF] Drop-Dead Simple USB Drive Encryption

Post Messages to: ProFox@leafe.com
Subscription Maintenance: http://mail.leafe.com/mailman/listinfo/profox
OT-free version of this list: http://mail.leafe.com/mailman/listinfo/profoxtech
Searchable Archive: http://leafe.com/archives/search/profox
This message: 
** All postings, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are the opinions of the 
author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

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